About Us

FITT is dedicated to providing international business training, resources and professional certification to individuals and businesses. We are the world's leading export-import training and certification expert.

About Us


We've worked hard over the years to achieve significant milestones that have helped us further our mission to develop the most up-to-date, industry-validated export-import training programs and certifications.

Six Qualities We Value Most

The six qualities we value most inspire our activities, guide the direction of our organization and galvanize us to create products and services that enable professionals to become global business experts.

This booklet illustrates the six principal characteristics that animate the people of FITT, encapsulate the spirit of our organization and bond us with global business professionals in all industries and all regions of Canada and beyond.

Board of Directors

Thank you to the FITT Board of Directors for your continued support, feedback and leadership.


The ongoing participation of the following organizations helps to support our mission to develop and provide the most up-to-date industry-validated international trade training programs and professional credentials.

Together, we work to prepare businesses and individuals to compete in world markets by equipping them with the resources and support they need to succeed.

The FITT Difference

More than a training organization, FITT is your source for international business expertise. This section of our website has been designed to help you determine whether The FITT Difference can help you build your international trade competence.

Our Story

The Forum for International Trade Training (FITT) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to providing international business training, resources and professional certification to individuals and businesses.

We offer the only international business training programs and related professional designation (CITP®|FIBP®) endorsed by the Canadian government. And our international business training solutions have become the standard of excellence for global trade professionals across Canada and around the world.


Environment, Social and Governance Policy

FITT has committed to conducting our business in a manner that contributes positively to society and the environment. Our ESG policies reflect that dedication to environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and strong organizational governance.