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The Canada Job Grant provides funding to employers to help pay for training programs offered by eligible third-party trainers, such as community or career colleges, trade union centres or private trainers. It therefore may serve as a way to help fund up to two-thirds of the costs of taking FITTskills online courses.
NOTE: The Canada Job Grant does not pre-approve organizations for funding, so we cannot guarantee the success of any applications, but we are happy to help however possible. Please contact for any questions prior to submitting your Canada Job Grant application.
Provinces and Territories are responsible for the design and delivery of the Canada Job Grant in their jurisdictions.
For more information on the Canada Job Grant and how employers can apply, select a province or territory from the list below:
- Alberta
- British Columbia
- Manitoba
- Newfoundland and Labrador
- New Brunswick
- Northwest Territories
- Nova Scotia
- Nunavut
- Ontario
- Prince Edward Island
- Saskatchewan
- Yukon
Quebec does not use the Canada Job Grant system, but has its own similar provincial grants in place. For more information on those, click here.
Canada-Alberta Job Grant
What is the Canada-Alberta Job Grant?
The Canada-Alberta Job Grant is an employer-driven training program. This means that employers decide on who gets training and what type of training may be needed for new and existing employees. Employers are required to use a third-party training provider to deliver the formal training either onsite, online, or in a classroom setting.
The Canada Job Grant is part of the Government of Canada and Government of Alberta’s commitment to help address skills mismatches and ensure that employees are being trained in high-demand areas.
How the Canada-Alberta Job Grant can work for you
Alberta Company Inc. is adjusting its workforce to align with a lower demand for their product. In order to remain competitive in the current economic climate, the business is looking at building the skills of its current workers. Employers know business success is tied to how well employees do their jobs. Skills training will provide both the employer and workers with the flexibility needed for success. To accomplish this, Alberta Company Inc. estimates its investment in combined training courses will be $12,000 per employee. The Canada-Alberta Job Grant could offset this amount by up to $8,000 per employee. It’s a win-win.
Why do employers need the Canada-Alberta Job Grant?
Despite fluctuations in the economy, employers will always need a workforce that is well-educated, highly skilled and productive. The Canada-Alberta Job Grant will help employers develop workers to suit their needs and provide people with the jobs they need to succeed.
Investing in skills training means more workers in Alberta will have the skills in demand in our labour market, now and in the future.
How will the Canada-Alberta Job Grant benefit you?
By supporting and investing in employee training, The Canada-Alberta Job Grant helps you to increase:
- productivity
- employee skills
- employee retention
What is the grant amount?
Under the Canada-Alberta Job Grant, employers will cover a minimum of one third of direct training costs, with up to a maximum of $10,000 in government contributions.
Program notices:
- Please ensure you submit your application at least 30 days before training course start date. Only training courses that are approved before they start will be funded by the CAJG.
- The status of your application will be available 30 days after you submit the application.
- As of September 14, 2015, funds are still available for the Canada-Alberta Job Grant.
- Applications and reimbursement forms must be completed and submitted with signatures. These documents are a legal contract, and photocopied signatures cannot be accepted.
- The Canada-Alberta Job Grant Application Form changed August 31, 2015. If you appliedbefore this date, you do not need to submit a new application.
- As of October 1, 2015, the Canada Alberta Job Grant team will no longer accept old application, reimbursement or completion forms. Please use the forms dated August 2015.
- Applications can no longer be sent by courier. Please mail your application to the address showing on the application form.
Canada-Alberta Job Grant Applicant Guide
Before applying, be sure to review the Canada-Alberta Job Grant Applicant Guide.
Canada-Alberta Job Grant Forms
The Canada-Alberta Job Grant involves three steps: application, reimbursement and completion. The required forms you need for each step are grouped accordingly.
You will need at least Adobe Reader 8.1 to fill out the application forms. If you do not have Adobe Reader 8.1, download it for free.
If you are having difficulties opening an application form in your web browser, use Internet Explorer or save the file to your computer and open it directly within Adobe Acrobat.
- Canada-Alberta Job Grant Application Form - August 2015 (PDF)
- Canada-Alberta Job Grant Trainee Information Form (PDF)
- You must complete both forms and submit them together. Not doing so will result in a delay in processing your application.
- Canada-Alberta Job Grant Training Reimbursement Form - August 2015 (PDF)
- Canada-Alberta Job Grant Training Reimbursement Form - October 2014 (PDF)
- If your grant funding was approved using the old application form, please complete and submit the October 2014 Training Reimbursement Form.
Canada-British Columbia Job Grant
What is the Canada-B.C. Job Grant?
The CJG goal is to increase participation of British Columbians in the labour force and help them to develop the skills necessary to find and keep a job.
The Canada-B.C. Job Grant is an employer-driven, cost-sharing program that can help employers invest in training for their current or future employees. The Grant assists eligible employers to offset the cost of training, with the employer contributing one-third of the cost of training.
The maximum government contribution is $10,000 for each employee trained. Employers can apply directly or an Eligible Organization can act on behalf of employers.
How can the CJG help me?
The Canada-B.C. Job Grant will provide direct financial support to employers who wish to purchase training for their current or future employees. An employer is required to contribute at least one third of the training costs, with the remaining two thirds, up to $10,000 per participant, coming from the CJG. The employer must have a job for the participant at the end of training. Eligible training costs include: tuition fees; mandatory student fees; textbooks, software and other required materials; and examination fees.
How do I apply?
Employers or organizations interested in applying for a Canada-B.C. Job Grant should review the CJG FAQ, and CJG Criteria before submitting an application.
To learn more, go to
Are you an individual looking for funding? Go to
Are you an employer looking to train employees? Go to or
Canada-Manitoba Job Grant
What is it?
The Canada-Manitoba Job Grant is an employer-driven approach to help Manitobans gain the skills they need to fill available jobs and to help employers develop the skills of their existing workers to meet the requirements of their present job, or to move into a better job.
Eligible employers may apply for up to $10,000 for each individual worker to assist with training costs. Employers that receive funding under the Canada-Manitoba Job Grant must contribute a minimum of one-third of the eligible training costs. With the maximum government contribution of $10,000, this means that up to $15,000 is available, per person, for eligible training costs.
Canada-Manitoba Job Grant - Employer Fact Sheet (76KB)
If a client is interested in receiving an application for the Canada-Manitoba Job Grant they can place a request by contacting the Manitoba Industry Training and Employment Services office at 204-945-0575. They will have to answer some general questions about the company. For example:
- Company Operating Name:
- Company Legal Name:
- Type of Business (e.g. manufacturing, transportation, retail):
- Contact Name:
- Job Title:
- Your organization is: Private; Non-Profit; Crown Corporation
- Your organization is: A prospective business; Already established; Less than 1 Year Old
- Business Phone/extension:
- Business and Mailing Address (Manitoba):
- Email address:
- Number of Current Full Time Employees:
- Number of Current Part Time Employees:
- Short Description of Training and # of employees participating:
For information on how to apply for the Canada-Manitoba Job Grant you can also contact:
Industry Services
Workforce Development and Income Support
Manitoba Jobs and the Economy
Phone: 1-866-332-5077
Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Job Grant
The program is targeted to private sector and non-profit employers. This program will provide a financial contribution to employers for employer-sponsored training for existing and new employees. Training costs will be shared between the employer and government. The maximum government contribution will be $10,000 for each employee trained. The goal of the program is to increase labour force participation and to help develop the skills necessary to find and keep meaningful and long term employment and to encourage employer involvement in training to ensure that skills are aligned to job opportunities.
Program Fact Sheet
The Program Fact Sheet outlines the program in more detail for interested employers and employees. Press here for a direct link to the Fact Sheet (840 KB).
Who can Apply?
Employers in the private and non-profit sectors may apply. Eligible employers must:
- Be incorporated and have a Canada Revenue Agency business number;
- Be in good standing with Registry of Companies; and,
- Have an office location/base in Newfoundland and Labrador.
How Do I Apply?
Interested employers must complete and submit an application to the Department of Advanced Education and Skills. Employer applications must be received 30 days prior to the commencement of training.
On-line Application: Employers must register in the Department of Advanced Education and Skills’ LaMPSS payment system to apply on-line. Once registration is complete, a password and user ID will be provided. To register, please press Register on LaMPSS system.
Program Guidelines have been developed in order to assist employers applying on-line. They can be viewed and printed by pressing Program Guidelines. (266 KB).
The Program Guidelines contains a section called Project/Training Budget. In order to help determine both the government and the employer contribution to a CNLJG, a Contribution Tool has been developed and is accessible to employers to help calculate contribution amounts as part of the application process for this program. To access the Contribution Tool, click here (45 KB).
Once registered on the LaMPSS system, employers may apply directly on-line and/or update information using its self-serve function and the provided user password and ID. To apply on-line using the self-serve component of LaMPSS, please link to the following website which contains LaMPSS User Guidelines, System Requirements and the Login: LaMPSS Employer Self-Serve.
Canada-New Brunswick Job Grant
Program Description
The Canada-NB Job Grant (CNBJG) program is a component of the Employment Services Program. CNBJG provides funding to eligible businesses and organizations to train individuals who are being considered for a job vacancy in their company and/or to improve the skills and job situation/prospects of their new or existing employees.
Eligible Applicants
- All private and non-profit sector businesses/organizations established in New Brunswick;
- First Nations in New Brunswick;
- Organizations acting on behalf of employers who are established in New Brunswick:
- Project Coordinators (private or incorporated)
- Industry Associations
- Unions Eligible Training Participants
- Legally entitled to work in Canada;
- Residing or willing to reside in New Brunswick;
- Employed by the Applicant but in need of training to grow in their job or to take advantage of better opportunities within the business/organization;
- Not employed and require training to obtain an available job with the Applicant;
- An employer may be considered as an eligible training participant.
Eligible Training Type
- Training that is not deemed part of regular business operations for the Applicant;
- Training that is required for an individual to perform the duties of an available job;
- Training that is within 52 weeks or less in duration.
Eligible Training Costs
- Tuition fees or fees charged by the Training Provider;
- Mandatory participant fees;
- Textbooks, software and other required materials;
- Examinations fees;
- Training provider’s travel and accommodation costs.
Eligible Training Providers
- Third party Training Providers must be separate and distinct from the business/organization.
NOTE: The Applicant is responsible for submitting the approved training provider’s final report. The applicant will be contacted for evaluation purposes.
- Must be received prior to training start date;
- Must be assessed and approved prior to training start date; Business/organizations must contact the regional officer before submitting an application.
- The applicant must financially contribute a minimum of 1/3 of the eligible training costs.
- Government’s contribution is 2/3 of the eligible training costs, up to a maximum of $10,000 per training participant, per fiscal year.
- Applicants may receive funding contributions from other federal and/or provincial departments towards the training provided that:
- The funding is not for the same costs eligible under the CNBJG; and
- The funding is not being used by the Applicant towards their 1/3 contribution of the eligible training costs.
- Applicants will not be reimbursed for training that takes place before the grant approval.
To Apply
- Applicants must be received prior to the training start date
- Applications must be assessed and approved prior to the training start date
- Business/Organizations must contact the regional office before submitting an application
Application form:
Canada-Northwest Territories Job Grant
What is the Canada-Northwest Territories Job Grant?
The Canada Northwest Territories Job Grant is a cost-sharing program that helps employers offset the cost of training for new or current employees. The Grant helps Northerners gain the skills they need to fill available jobs; it helps employers invest in their workforces, equipping workers with the training necessary to make their businesses succeed.
Who can apply:
Employers with a plan to train workers for new or better jobs in the Northwest Territories may apply. This includes:
- private sector employers
- not-for profit sector employers
- designated crown corporations and Aboriginal Governments Participating employers must have a job available for the trainee upon successful completion of the training.
Applicants must be legal entities entitled to operate in the Northwest Territories.
Who can receive training:
Training for both current and future employees is eligible, including individuals who are:
- unemployed and seeking training to get a job
- working but underemployed and seeking training to get a better job
- employed but looking to training for a better job
- employed but seeking training to enhance their skills in an existing job
In any case, the employer must have a guaranteed job available to the participant once the training is complete. Trainee participants must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents.
How much is available:
Employers can receive up to two-thirds of the cost of training to a maximum government contribution of up to $10,000 per grant; employers must contribute the remaining one-third. Employers may apply for any number of grants, but the maximum government contribution under the Canada-Northwest Territories Job Grant is $10,000 per unique individual. This maximum amount may be utilized over a period of time and/or for more than one training opportunity.
What type of training is covered:
Training must be provided by an approved third-party trainer, such as:
- universities
- community or career colleges
- trade union training centres
- private trainers
Employers may propose other organizations to deliver training, such as equipment manufacturers, software developers and private trainers (consultants) if they have:
- Applicable curriculum available or curriculum development expertise
- Qualified trainers (credentials and/or experience)
The Government of the Northwest Territories will review the proposal and determine if the suggested trainer is approved.
The training can take place in a variety of settings, including a classroom or training facility, a workplace or online. The employer is responsible to select and contract directly with the approved trainer. The trainer will invoice the employer for the training costs; the employer is reimbursed by the GNWT.
Eligible training must meet the needs of the business and lead to a guaranteed job. This includes, but is not limited to:
- essential skills training;
- technical training;
- business training;
- management and leadership training;
- short-term certificate training.
The training must be completed within 52 weeks of receiving grant approval.
What training costs are eligible:
The grant covers:
- tuition fees or fees charged by a third-party trainer
- mandatory student fees
- fees for textbooks, software and other required materials
- examination fees HOW to apply
Contact your Regional ECE Services Centre.
Canada-Nova Scotia Job Grant
The province has signed a new skills and training agreement with the federal government that protects programs for vulnerable Nova Scotians and involves small businesses in a way they can afford.
The agreement will help unemployed Nova Scotians and workers with a low level of skills, continue to benefit from effective programs and services.
Questions and Answers
Q: How is the new Job Fund Agreement (JFA) different from the Labour Market Agreement (LMA)?
The main difference is in the role that businesses will play in delivering skills training. Under the LMA employers weren't obligated to invest in training. Under the new Job Fund Agreement (JFA) they will now be required to contribute financially, or in-kind, to the training of workers under 2 of the 3 funding streams.
Q: What was the funding before?
The previous Labour Market Agreement was a six-year agreement valued at $82.2 million, an average of $13.7 million a year.
Q: How much is available under the new agreement?
The total value of the new six-year Job Fund Agreement is $80.16 million. The 2014-15 budget will be $13.4 million. The funding will be divided into three different streams - Canada Job Grant, Employer-Sponsored Training, and Employment Services and Supports.
- Canada Job Grant: the employer determines who will receive training and what type, has a job available at the end of the training period, and financially contributes a minimum amount to the training which is provided by a provincially recognized third-party trainer. The provincial program, Workplace Innovation and Productivity Skills Incentive (WIPSI), falls under this stream.
- Employer-Sponsored Training: the employer determines who will receive training and what type of training; the training must lead to an available job and the employer must make a contribution (financial or in-kind) to the training. In contrast to the CJG, Employer-Sponsored Training is broadly defined, is not limited to direct training costs, and does not require a minimum employer contribution. Existing LAE programs like START and One Journey Work and Learn fall under this stream.
- Employment Services and Supports: programs that help Nova Scotians prepare for, find, and keep employment. This includes programs typically funded under the previous LMA, including job readiness and employment counselling services, settlement services, literacy and essential skills training, and financial supports and benefits. Existing programs, like literacy programs, fall under this stream.
Q: I saw the Canada Job Grant advertised on TV. How do I access the grant?
In Nova Scotia, the fund is administered under three streams and is accessible to eligible businesses and organizations, who in turn will offer services and/or training to eligible individuals. If you are an individual, please visit a Careers Nova Scotia Centre near you for information. If you are an employer and are interested in accessing funding to support your training needs, please visit the following website for more information:
Q: What new programs can we expect to see under the new CJF?
A: No new programs will be created with the announcement of the Canada-Nova Scotia Job Fund Agreement. This year's priorities have already been determined. We will be consulting with employers and organizations in the creation of an investment plan for 2015-16 and beyond.
If you were previously supported under the LMA and think you may qualify for funding, please contact your local Skills and Learning Branch Programs Officer or Coordinator.
Q: Which organizations will receive funding under the CJF?
A: A number of organizations received bridge funding from the Province to sustain services to clients and communities; these organizations will continue to be supported under the new agreement.
Q: Will current agreements in place under WIPSI be impacted?
A: No. While WIPSI is now an initiative under the new Canada-Nova Scotia Job Fund Agreement, a business owner's current funding amount will not change.
Q: Now that WIPSI is an initiative under the Canada-Nova Scotia Job Fund Agreement, what will change for business?
A: The Workplace Innovation and Productivity Skills Incentive program has not changed with the announcement of the Canada-Nova Scotia Job Fund Agreement. Over time, we will be examining whether changes to the program will be necessary to meet the fund requirements.
Q: How can I apply for funding under the new Canada-Nova Scotia Job Fund Agreement through the Nova Scotia Office of Immigration?
A: An investment plan has been developed for fiscal year 2014-15, and does not identify funding for new projects at this time. As our investment activities proceed, funding for new projects may become available. Please continue to monitor the Nova Scotia Office of Immigration website: call 902-424-5230
Apply at:
Canada-Nunavut Job Grant
The Government of Canada and the Government of Nunavut have agreed to support the training of Nunavummiut for new and better jobs. The Agreement encourages employer involvement in this training so that skill development is better aligned to job opportunities
Under the Canada-Nunavut Job Grant (CNJG), eligible employers can receive funding support if they have new or better positions available for trainees and they can make a contribution to the total eligible training costs for each designated trainee. The maximum government contribution to the grant is $10,000 per trainee.
Eligible employers
The CNJG is designed for small employers (50 or fewer employers) and designated Crown Corporations and Inuit Organizations who wish to target training initiatives for trainees from small remote communities.
Employers are eligible for the CNJG if they meet the following criteria. Employers must:
- be registered in and local to Nunavut;
- have a position available for the designated trainee to advance in to after training;
- can contribute at least one-third of the total eligible training expenses (small employers may contribute one-sixth in wages/wage replacement).
Organizations acting on behalf of employers with 50 or fewer employees may apply for the Grant.
Training may be delivered in a variety of settings providing it is delivered by an institution recognized by the CNJG program, including universities, community colleges, career colleges, trade union training centers and other approved accredited institutions.
The intent of this grant is not to subsidize regular operational training. Rather, the intent is to support training that would not have otherwise occurred without the grant opportunity.
Eligible training expenses
Training expenses can include tuition fees or fees charged by training provider; mandatory student fees; textbooks, software and other required materials; and examination fees.
Eligible trainees
Trainees must be employed with the eligible employer for CNJG and require further training to increase their job advancement opportunities. Expected employment outcomes for trainees could be a new position, a promotion and/or increased pay within the organization. Trainees may receive a grant one time only.
Application Form
Go to to fill out the necessary information to apply.
Canada-Ontario Job Grant
How does the Canada-Ontario Job Grant work?
If you are an employer with specific workforce skill needs that can be learned or developed through an existing training program, the Canada-Ontario Job Grant can help. The grant can provide funding to train individuals identified by an employer—this can include current employees or new hires.
In the case that an employer needs to hire and train someone new, the Employment Ontario Employment Service is here to help you find an appropriate match. A service provider near you can be found at
Who pays for the training?
Support for an individual's training costs under the Canada-Ontario Job Grant is shared between the government and the employer.
The government will provide two-thirds (2/3) of the eligible training costs up to a maximum of $10,000 per individual.
Ontario's large employers must contribute one-third (1/3) of eligible training costs per person. Small employers (i.e., those with fewer than 50 employees) must also contribute one-third (1/3) of the eligible training costs. However, half (1/2) of these costs (i.e., one-sixth of total eligible training costs) can consist of wages paid to the employee.
Eligible training costs include:
- Tuition or other training provider fees
- Textbooks, software and other required materials
- Mandatory student fees
- Examination fees
Who is eligible?
Individual employers and organizations acting on behalf of employers, (i.e., industry associations, training coordinators, employer consortia, union halls) in the private and not-for-profit sectors are eligible to apply for the Canada-Ontario Job Grant.
Employers applying for the Canada-Ontario Job Grant must:
- contribute a minimum of one-third of eligible training costs in cash, with additional flexibility for small employers (50 or fewer employees)
- employ the individual selected for training
- If the employer has hired a jobseeker to fill a vacancy, the job offer can be conditional upon the completion of training.
- be licensed to operate in Ontario
- be applying for training that is delivered in Ontario (for a job that is also located in Ontario)
- maintain appropriate workplace insurance and comply with all applicable federal and provincial labour and human rights legislation.
An employer must not be:
- a Canada-Ontario Job Grant service provider or an Employment Service provider
- receiving other government funds related to training the same individual (e.g., Youth Employment Fund)
- a broader public sector organization, as defined by the Broader Public Sector Accountability Act.
Individuals trained under the grant must:
- be a resident of Ontario, and a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or protected person
- not already be participating in full-time education or training, including participation in any other government training program (e.g., apprenticeship) that offers similar training supports
- be sponsored by an employer.
Individual jobseekers can contact their Canada-Ontario Job Grant local service providers for the opportunity to be matched with an employer interested in training jobseekers under the grant.
Go to to learn more and to apply.
Canada-Prince Edward Island Job Grant
The Canada-PEI Job Grant provides employers with financial assistance to train new or existing employees to meet the skill requirements for available jobs.
Program Features
- Employer driven - the employer decides who gets training and what type of training is required;
- Shared costs - Eligible training costs are shared between SkillsPEI and the employer;
- Employment for Islanders - Participants have a new or better job at the end of the training.
The Canada-PEI Job Grant is open to private sector businesses based in Prince Edward Island or organizations acting on behalf of a group of employers. Projects must result in a new hire or a better job for an under-employed or employed individual.
Cost Sharing
Under the Canada-PEI Job Grant, SkillsPEI may contribute up to two-thirds of the direct training costs, including:
- Tuition fees;
- Textbooks, software and other required materials;
- Examination fees.
Employers must make a minimum financial contribution of one-third of the direct training costs.
How to Apply
Please download and complete the Canada-PEI Job Grant application form and deliver it to your local SkillsPEI office.
For More Information
For more information on the Canada-PEI Job Grant or other SkillsPEI programs, contact one of our SkillsPEI office locations.
Canada-Saskatchewan Job Grant
The Canada-Saskatchewan Job Grant will help businesses and non-profit organizations – both large and small –to train new or existing employees for available jobs, and provide increased opportunities for unemployed and underemployed workers to receive training.
Through this program, employers and government partner to fund the selected training – to which the employer contributes one third of the training cost, and federal and provincial governments contribute the remaining two-thirds.
Training must be provided by an eligible third-party training institution. Eligible training costs include tuition fees charged by the training provider, other mandatory student fees, textbook and other learning materials fees, and examination fees.
How does it work?
- Select the trainees and the training program.
- Pay one-third of the eligible training costs.
- Employ the trainee at the end of training.
Employers can make multiple grant applications to a maximum of $250,000 annually, and up to $10,000 per individual trainee.
Next steps for interested employers:
- Before you apply for training, complete the eligibility checklist to determine whether your proposed training activities are eligible.
- Forward the checklist to your local Labour Market Services (LMS) office.
- LMS staff will contact you to assist with the completion of the application, and you can proceed with training upon notification of approval.
Please go to for more details.
Canada-Yukon Job Grant
This program supports employers interested in investing in training for current or future employees. Training may be offered by colleges, trade union centres or private trainers. Training can take place in a classroom, a workplace or online. Costs are shared by the employer and Advanced Education.
Application forms
There are 2 forms to submit: One is completed by the employer and the other is completed by each employee/trainee.
Canada-Yukon Job Grant Program Guidelines
Canada-Yukon Job Grant Client Application Form
Canada-Yukon Job Grant Employer Application Form
Employer Activity Report
Quebec funding options
Services Québec offers these subsidies based on various criteria and conditions, so please visit the links posted below to get the necessary information:
Emploi-Québec Training:
Emploi-Québec Financial Aid for recruitment: